Move for Migrants 2024

Get out and move with us on December 6 – 8, 2024.

Info and Tickets

On the weekend of December 6-8, 2024, we will run, walk, bike, kayak, swim, ski, and otherwise move ourselves 5 km while we reflect on God’s care for us as we move through the earth. You can participate any time on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday and set your own route, pace, and mode of travel. Go by yourself or with friends, post photos of your journey, and share a quick reflection on how God has gone with you as you’ve moved in your life.

Why We Are Moving

Every year, millions of people make the life-changing decision to move from their home to another country. They do so for many reasons: fleeing violence or oppression, searching for a way out of crushing poverty, pursuing a new job, reuniting with loved ones, finding a better life, or simply for a grand adventure.

Whatever their circumstances, however, God has caused their movement for his own, eternal, purposes, “so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.” (Acts 17:27) As they go, God goes with them, providing comfort and care, placing his people along their route to show his love and bring them closer to him.

Move for Migrants is a way to recognize the journey that so many of our brothers and sisters take, remember God’s care for them and for us, and support the work of God’s churches and people who come alongside them through Immigrant Hope.

Our goal is to move a cumulative 1,500 km, the average distance a refugee travels before settling in a safe country.

Share Your Journey

Share about your journey as you move! Post photos, stories, and videos on X, Facebook, and Instagram. Consider responding to one of these prompts:

Donations and Proceeds

Our goal is to raise $10,000! Donations and proceeds will go to support Immigrant Hope’s mission to provide the HOPE of the gospel, HELP with legal residency, and a HOME in the church to everyone God is bringing to our nation.

Funds will be used to equip churches for ministry to immigrants, set up immigration legal clinics, train advocates to become experts in immigration law, and convene advocates for continuing education and support.

If you heard about this event through a local Immigrant Hope office, 30% of your contribution will go directly to that program.


Info and Tickets

Sign up for Move for Migrants 2024

Info and Tickets