Immigrant Hope is thrilled to join The Immigration Alliance in welcoming Rev. Althea Taylor as their new Executive Director. Rev. Taylor is the Executive Pastor for Bronx Bethany Church of the Nazarene and has worked for decades in a variety of roles helping the Church of the Nazarene denomination address issues of compassion and justice.
Rev. Taylor is also a long-time friend and ally for Immigrant Hope. She attended the first-ever IMMIGRANT PATHWAY Institute training in 2011 and participated again as both a student and devotional speaker in 2015 and 2018. We have frequently interacted through our respective involvement in TIA and through other projects and gatherings. She has always stood out as a voice of profound insight and wisdom; as a person emanating spiritual depth; and as a committed advocate in her personal, church, and national work.
Rev. Taylor has has experienced the immigration journey and system herself and through her family, through her pastoral and community work, and as a national advocate. She clearly understands and feels the difficulty, frustration, uncertainty, joy, discomfort, and discovery of navigating a new culture and legal system. She knows better than anyone how God and His church can care for and speak for those experiencing it. We are excited to see where her vision, energy, and wisdom take TIA and our partnership with them.